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Friday, March 22, 2024


 Hi Everyone,

Well, inspite of a deluge of snow, the sun is out and shining today. This makes life better for me. I used to love rainy, dreary days. Now I don't, unless I've got someone with me and we're both flaking out, watching movies, what have you; then I'm good.

And yesterday was definitely gloomy and gray and cold and I no likee.

I was so tired yesterday and my stomach was...I didn't feel nauseous, my stomach just felt...sour. No bueno.

It wasn't without it's high points. I caught up with both Beast and Emmie. That was nice. And I did get some laundry done. That's a good thing. 

My daughter needed me to be supportive and so I was. We ended up laughing hysterically in my bed at midnight, just remembering hilarious things she did when she was little. My daughter is a character and when she was a kid, she was off the charts.

And so today, I am dealing with not enough sleep but it is what it is. I'm feeling so much better today. 

I handled yesterday really well. I was definitely on low mode. I used to get upset by that. I used to think it meant I was doing something wrong or that bad things were coming. And I learned something yesterday; I learned I can quiet myself and talk to myself. That's when I realized I was just super tired and that my stomach wasn't the best. That's all it was, with a tiny dash or depression over the coming snow and lack of sunshine.

Problem solved, it was that easy and so I just gave myself permission not to be superwoman and I got through the day.

And I was to tired to get up and go to my training sesh at the gym so I rescheduled for Monday, a bit later (8AM) and since I haven't cancelled Planet Fitness yet, I'm going to go there and just walk on the treadmill and do the circuit there. 

I really don't know what else I'm gonna do today, other than help my daughter clean and organize her room and makeup my schedule for next week. I wanna go hard in spite of the dropping temps and just push through. 

So yeah. Semi-chill day and I'm ok with that.

On that note, I am on with my day and I hope that yours is fantabulous.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


It'll be chill. 

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The Witch Tree

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