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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Comfort Zone


Good Morning!!

It really is a good morning, if you look at it from the perspective that there is a whole new day in front of me to get things accomplished and to have new experiences. 

Yeah, I had to write that out and read it back to myself.

Because I am lazy mode this morning. The child within is whining, "I don't wanna."

I have managed to meditate and to call a friend of mine I haven't spoken to in awhile. I put in a load of laundry.

So I currently am doing this while giving my calves some ES (electrical stimulation). I'm pretty sure I have lipo and lymphedema. This can help with both. It feels so weird.

I just got a cheap one to start, see if it helps. I don't have it bad, whichever it is. But my calves are ginormous and they used to be so pretty but carrying around that massive weight for so long did me now favors. 

But I do want to be productive. I did not make a list for today and a lot of what I need to do requires me to be sedentary.

Things like...taxes, job search, recipe writing...wah.

But I think what I'll do is this; finish this blog, go to the gym, come home and hit all the stuff I don't want to do. It's not a cleaning week but there are things needing to be cleaned but I am going to let that go, that's OK, it's for next week.

Ok, I can do that, when I write it out, it somehow does not feel that overwhelming. 

Yesterday was another calm, extremely productive, just nice day.

There was some anxiety but that had to do with someone close to me being upset and needing someone to acknowledge, listen and just care. Because I am a person who lived with heightened emotions within myself, I can get very "triggered" by big emotions in others. I can't operate on that mode for long. So I did listen and I did acknowledge but I was breathing deep the whole time and after the person was in a place she could regulate herself, I went into my room and meditated and did some deep breathing and then I was able to go on with my day.

Being there for someone is generally something I'm good at unless the other person is highly agitated. It's like a bug that splits in half and one if the halves jumps over to me. 

This isn't a bad thing, it is what it is.

I can step out of my comfort zone, that's not the issue, I just can't do it for prolonged periods of time. I deal much better with sadness than I do with anger or anxiety, in both myself and others.

So I felt good about realizing that when heightened, I am now able to calm my center, or my qi if you will, and then go on without it affecting my entire day.

Alrighty, well, my ES sesh is over. I'm going to go upstairs and see what this day will bring. I hope you have a good one!!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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