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Monday, March 25, 2024


 Good Morning,

So here I sit doing my ES. I'm gonna have to charge the unit today. I don't know if this is doing anything or not. I'll never know if I'm not consistent so here I am. I figure in about a month, I can reassess. 

So this weekend was nice all the way around. I wasn't all that active but it was good regardless. 
Saturday night, I went out with a friend of mine who I haven't spent time with in forever. It was really fun. We went out to a bar but everyone in our group is sober so no worries there. I even danced to two songs. It was super crowded but I was surprised at the age range of people there. There were young people, middle aged people and some oldies but goodies and all ranges on the dance floor too.

I saw another friend there (with our group). who I haven't spoken to in a looooong time. He tends to like to comment smartass stuff on my facebook stuff so I deleted him a while back. He's back on my page so I told him to behave, lol. But this guy really does love me and I don't mean that in a romantic way, he just loves me.

So much fun.

I was supposed to have a mother/daughter day with my youngest yesterday but that didn't happen. I was disappointed but I have let my kids down too in the past so I did let her know my feelings were hurt but going forward, let's keep our commitments, both of us, not just her.

Ah, the ES is done and now I've got the back massager on. Whatever will I do if the end of times happens? 

Adjust I guess.

Or die.

Well, that went places quickly.

Moving on, I made a nice dinner last night and such a good dessert. Got on the scale this morning and was shocked. No weight gain.

So that means if all goes according to plan, I will hit one milestone this week and another next week. Yowsa!! I love it. Go me.

My daughter and I did end up watching a couple of episodes of the documentary about the nickolodean abusers. I spelled that wrong. I don't feel like looking up the correct spelling.

All I have to say is wow.

Disgusting human beings are really out there. I don't know what makes them the way there are but from everything I've read, sexual deviancy in any form, tends to be extremely hard to shake; harder than herion, crack, meth, you name it.

I will get to upset if I keep writing about it. I know we need to be aware but it's a hard pill to swallow, knowing these pervs are out there.

K, so I did go work out today, had a training session. Ouch!!!!

Afterwards, I went in the steam room and it felt amazing until it didn't. I didn't time my session in there, just went in telling myself I'd stay in there just past when it became uncomfortable. It was probably around 10 minutes. I loved it!!

Today we have job search, some cleaning and I am taking a skating class tonight because I didn't make it to the rink yesterday.

So it's going to be a busy one, but highly productive.

Before I went to the gym, I got in my meditation so all is unfolding on schedule, just like the Universe.

Have a good one guys!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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