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Sunday, March 17, 2024

An Amazing Attitude


I was gonna say good morning,

But it's afternoon. Time flies when you're having fun. I went roller skating today and I did a crossover!! It's so weird, my body still remembers what it used to be able to do and I can see it and I can almost feel myself doing it but I just won't let it happen.


Fear that I'll fall and hurt my ankle again, fear that I'll fall and look like an idiot. But I could not resist the pull this morning and I did it. It was imperfect but the fact that I did it made it perfect for me.

So, yeah, I'm kind of high on that one; feeling sassy and accomplished, lolol!!!

My daughter works at 4, so I am just going to do some blogging and some recipe writing for the family cookbook. I sliced a bunch of strawberries and I made some biscuits and I'll be having strawberry shortcake for dessert today.

God I love Sundays.

And I'm not going to announce any numbers just yet but by next Saturday, I am anticipating the achievement of another milestone in my weight loss.

In spite of only going to the gym once last week, I made my step count almost every day and also managed to lose 3 lbs.

I'm just really seeing much of my efforts paying off and it's both humbling and gratifying.

I had a very chill day yesterday and my friend Joe was able to go home from the hospital so I went over to his and his wife, my dear Tracy, and help just a little bit to get them settled back into things so that they can start their new routine with what his needs will be.

He's got an amazing attitude, cracking jokes and just being positive, while also being honest about things sucking but...yeah, it was humbling. I'm a big ass baby when I get hurt or when something's not right and he taught me a lot about making the most of shitty circumstances, the whole what you can't control thing, which I wrote about yesterday. Breaking my ankle last year proved that because it was the final thing that sent me spiraling. And I suppose that some wouldn't have even risked roller skating or running or whatever things they might be into but I can't let that fear rule me.

I have no idea why but the roller skating just makes me so happy.

But the rest of the day was chill, gave myself a facial and took my bougie bath. I even slept for almost 8 hours.

Sooooo, after dinner and dessert, I am going to drop my daughter at work and go to the nearby mall and walk until I hit my step goal; other than that, a schedule for my week and the recipes.

Oh! Just realized I forgot to meditate this morning. So I'll do that too. My happy light helps me so much with these dreary, cold days.

I hope you all have an amazing day.

Be Blessed.

Love and Light,


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