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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

No Dumb Denise


Good Morning!

Hi All,

I hope this entry finds you all well, fully engaged on the journey. Everyday I feel the mundane creep up on me, I fight that feeling. We can't be "up" all the time, at least not on high octane mode. But we can be present and we can make the most of each moment. Do I walk around saying, "Life is great" all the time? No. But in being present and grateful for things to do, progress to be made, I don't know, it just makes me feel like maybe, just maybe, it is all worth it.

So I have a list, y'all know I do. But today it's full of stuff I put off. It's "out of sight, out of mind" stuff but it will make things easier for me in the long run. 

I also included some down time things that I want to do, but seem to put off and we all need moments of downtime. I've got time for reading put aside, time for working on my puzzle. Why is it that when I do procrastinate, it includes the feel good things? That's dumb. Like, I didn't go take skating classes last Monday. Why?

I don't know, the only excuse I have, is that at that point in the day, it seemed too big. Dumb. Dumb choice, not dumb me. I'm working on all that self-talk shit, ya know? So no, never Dumb Denise, just dumb choices sometimes.

So fun stuff today too. Mundane and Feel Good, Mundane & Feel Good.

I'm off to hit that list!

Have a great day. Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

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