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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Zee Finances of Dighty


Good Morning!

I have been struggling with this insane tiredness lately and I'm sad to say it's made me a bit of a slug. So I got up today, forced myself to get up, at about 6:30 or so and I haven't really gotten much more than meditating and picking up the kitchen done. 

So I made a list, a doable list. 

And for the most part, I am trying to do it in the order I wrote the list. Some things get done before others but so be it.

Oh Lord, I'm having a bloating attack.

But I said I would talk about finances next so we'll deal with all the health stuff next time I blog.

And after this, the next blog will catch us up on all the health stuff.

So y'all know I quit my job. I did get some $$ from Momma. I moved half of it over to savings because that one I'll have to pay taxes on. I have a good amount left and am really trying to just spend what I have to. There will be more, at the end of the month and that I won't have to claim taxes on. But it's not here yet and I really am not 100% sure how much I'll get. I am hoping that by the time I receive it, I will have a job and be able to use that $$ to move, get my own place.

My relationship with money has gotten healthier. I question everything I consider purchasing. And there have been some little treats to myself but nothing crazy, no makeup, no $100 dollar wrinkle creams, lol.

My student loans, all but one, got removed and so I no longer owe that. I do have a little one that didn't qualify for the payoff so I'll be paying that. My credit cards are all at zero.

Lets talk about the credit cards. So what I've learned in the process of trying to raise my score is the biggest piece is having a ton a credit available but not using it. 

Because I'm still working on my credit, I usually only qualify for credit cards with low minimums. I think the highest limit I have on a card is $700.00. So I have a shit ton of credit cards with these small limits. I only apply for ones that have no annual fee. 

When I use a card, I only use it if I know I have the $$ to pay it in full as soon as the charge posts.

I learned that from my sissy. Don't use credit unless you can already cover what you buy.

One of the other things considered is how long you've had your credit accounts open and of course, that's where I fall short because I only started this a year ago. But at least the on time payments part of my credit is excellent.

I do have one loan that I'm paying on. The one I took out for my daughter's wedding. I don't regret taking out that loan and all payments are current, I haven't had one late payment on that. 

Once I get a job and am settled in to a new place and know what my budget will be, I will be paying more on that loan. Shit, if I can get it paid off by December 31st of 2024, than that's a good thing.

And...not now, but once that loan is paid off, I'm getting a new car. I have had to have used cars, or had to pick cars I really didn't like, because of my financial situation and I think I would like to have something brand new, something bigger and roomier, that could fit a dog comfortably in the back. The dog will be purchased when the vehicle is purchased.

Those are my long term plans anyways; for now.

Short term plans are to get a job and get my own place. 

I am going to New Jersey and if you want to know how I'm financing that one, well I find it hilarious actually. 

Y'all remember I went and painted a Piggy Bank at one of those ceramic places? I put the spell in it that says, "Little Piggy, Round and Green, Grow My Wealth to Fat fro Lean."


Well, that piggy is almost full. It's about three times the capacity for change that my prior change jar was and that one always ended up being around $160 when full. Piggy is almost full so I've priced airfare and car rental and if Piggy yields what I'm assuming she will, I'll be going to the east coast beginning of February. The only thing I'll have to pay for, out of my own money (other than the pig), is for gas to get around and of course, meals but I don't eat a lot anymore so....

What about Willow's Whimsy? Christmas sucked. I am not a business woman but I'm learning. I am going to use this next week to make products for Valentine's Day so that I can advertise them early enough.

Nope, I am not giving up.

And for the next year, anything I earn from WW, will go right back in to it, all of it, because my longterm goal has not changed and that goal is to open a brick and mortar store. That's not even in the planning stages because I'm not even close.

So that's about it. 

Can you believe it? No drama about money.

That's new.

And I like that.

So on that note, my dear ones, thank you for stopping by!

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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