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Friday, January 12, 2024

The Flex

 Hi Everyone,

It's 10:38AM and I hit my step goal an hour ago. I started low on purpose though. It's going to be even harder to make my steps once I'm working again because I do desk work. What Ev's. For now, I have been going well over my goal for the last week or so.

I celebrate that. The old me would've been like, "it's not good enough."

Now I know it is because my body doesn't hurt (beyond muscle aches from lifting and my usual struggles with my back) and I know that I can do more to get more as I progess.

Progress should be the definition of perfection because perfection doesn't exist. 

Two days ago, I wrote about feeling content. I haven't had that huge feeling since and I've had to push myself to get shit done but I have felt good. Happy. Accomplished.

Blogging was on my list for later today but I've been cleaning and so my back is stiffening up a bit so I sat down to blog and I have my chair massage thingee on. It goes for about 15 minutes and then shuts off automatically. My cleaning goals for today are the bathroom, the kitchen and my office. The first two are done. My office doesn't need to be "cleaned" so much as picked up and organized. I'll do it after my chair thingee shuts off. 

Then no more cleaning until the week after next. 

I know it may seem a simple thing; switching gears to give my body the rest it needs but flexibility is new to me and I find it actually works. I still make lists but I am able to make those lists and switch up if need be or if something else comes up. 

And I don't freak out about it. The black and white thinking is slowly fading out and losing it's hold on me.

I've done 9 loads of laundry in the last two days. All my daughter's stuff. She tends to wash clothes and keep them in the hamper and they get to smelling like they were never washed. So I folded everything too and it's all on her bed. I'm not letting her go to sleep tonight without putting it all away.

I'm not bitching, sometimes people need help and so I'll do it every now and then.

I forgot to talk about my IBS. So I know my IBS will never truly be cured but since drinking more water everyday. exercising on the reg, doing yoga and just making better choices in general, it has changed so much. I go about 4 times a day still but they are rock hard, clean and no cramping, etc.

Still, I know if I eat something weird or too much, I can expect more of the old stuff the next day or even a total attack but it's just better and I think that has had an effect on my happiness as well.

I used my happy light for the second day in a row. Because of the whole placebo thing, I'm going to do it everyday for a month before reporting my experience.

I have plans tomorrow. I'm excited. I'm going to see one friend I haven't seen in probably 20 years and one who I don't usually hang out with that much. It'll be good! We're going ice skating and we were gonna go outside but I think we'll go to one of the indoor rinks because it's gonna be too cold. I mean, the cold doesn't bother me but it usually bothers others. I'll go outside when the temps are gonna be higher.

So then we're gonna go out to eat after.

Okie, well so far so good. I may skip tomorrow and blog after I get back from rollerskating. I'll let you then about my day tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...