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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Content: What a Great Word

 Hi Guys,

It's a happy reporting day, lol. Today has yet to be written. I got up way late because I had difficulty sleeping.  But we shall see, we shall see.

So I went over my step goal by 3K+ yesterday. I kept things moving until I ate my dinner and then yup, I felt the crash happening so I did lay down but I only took a 38 minute nap. And then I got up and did some of the things on my list, showered, did yoga then went to pick my daughter up.

And the thing is, I felt good yesterday. Not because I got so much done, but I just felt good. I allowed myself to have that and when I went to pick my kiddo up, I played good music and I just enjoyed it and I felt...I felt happy, I felt content.

Again, just noticing that feeling and letting it be and enjoying it, I felt very grateful. I'm smiling now writing about it.

So I have another list for today and I think I like not writing it all out here, I think what I will do, is transfer the list tomorrow to this blog and then write whatever but I will let you know how my day goes and if I managed to accomplish anything, lol.

Getting up late used to stress me out and it was all or nothing. I'd give up for the day but I have a lot of hours to get much done so I'm going on that perspective.

I hope you all have a happy hump day.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...