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Monday, January 22, 2024

Surface Level

 Hello Luvs,

Welllll, I didn't want to do anything mundane this week, lol. I wanted pure bougie. I mean, it's my birthday week. But alas, my room looks like a tornado whipped through it and I had to go get cat food, toothpaste and batteries.

I'm dying. Our roommate thinks we are so bougie with our cats and we are. Do you know what a squishmellow is? They are a stuffed animal that is incredibly soft and squishy. My daughter collects them. Oftentimes, when the cats do their "biscuit making", it's on the squishmellows.

Well, my daughter found squishmellow cat beds online and she got one. It came this morning and of course, the girls are more interested in the box it came in. But they'll figure it out.

When we get our apartment, I plan on making each room a cat haven. I'm going to get shelving to screw in to the wall, so they will have "stairs" the can climb up on and sit and relax. I'm going to get hammocks and two towers for them. There is a bed I've been looking at that is very plush and sortof caves in on kitty when they lay in it. Mocha will lose her mind for that one.

I have no grandbabies yet, so hey, I'm going to spoil the shite out of my feline soulmates.

Once my laundry is done, I am going to finish picking up my room, then when my daughter goes to work, I'm going to go to the gym and then on to a skating lesson...I think. I'm still on the fence about that. I do intend to do it at some point, I just kindof want to make sure I get some other things in today.

We'll see. I'll report next time I blog. My emotions are still surface level with this whole going off the meds thing. I have about 3 days worth of the lower dose and I've only been taking them 3 days out of the week so I'll be completely done by the end of the week.

But in regards to said emotions, I'm able to talk to myself now and just say, "not sure what this is all about girlfriend but if you wanna cry, you can cry, but let's put a limit on that. I want to honor my feelings but from now on, I don't want them ruling me. I've learned so much about presence and not giving to much power to these things but to experience them and let them out, ya know? I don't always need to know what's driving it, I just need to know how to honor it and hone it.

I got a 1000 piece fairy puzzle I am going to start on today too. Chill stuff.

On that note, I'm going to have my day and I fully intend that no matter what I do, it'll be a good one. I hope yours is too.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


Neecie needs chill stuff.

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