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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Smelling Like the Goddess I Am

 Good Morning!

I just sneezed like 10 times in a row. I'm having a full on histamine response so it feels like I have the worst cold in history. But I don't have a cold and this will clear up shortly. I'm not sure why so much sneezing but it's going on for months.

I'm also worried that I may have a hernia. Everytime I cough, I get this tearing, burning pain right around my belly button. Hernia's are common for those of us who have had gastric bypass, even years later. I'm ignoring it until I get a job and insurance. It only hurts when I cough.

Oh you guys, I got the sweetest phone message this morning from some special beings telling me I am in their heart and happy birthday.

Not gonna lie, don't have to, you already know, I cried. But they were happy tears, appreciative tears. 

I went last night and got my nails done. They look awesome. I wanted something winterish, so they are white with silver ombre. They sparkle.

Maybe I'm a vampire. LOL.


I am having lunch with my friend Heather today. Her birthday is Friday and of course, mine is tomorrow so we are going to celebrate us! Yum for food. I'm getting me a burger and fries. Why not? Tomorrow morning I have a massage and facial scheduled. Then my youngest and I are going to meet my other daughter for ceramic painting and dinner. Saturday, we have our family celebration for myself and my brother inlaw, whose birthday is today. I still need text him.

And now we are at the end of my day. And it was a good one. Lunch with Heather was great. We always have really interesting conversations and you know the rules: Laughter!!

I came home and found that my east coast sister had sent me a box of crumble cookies and my daughter gave me one of my presents early. It was a Lush gift set. Happy Hippy, which is made up mostly of lemon and lime essential oils. I smell like a Goddess!!

No tears today other than happy, grateful tears.

Family is everything and I have one that is made up of blood and also of friends. There are people in my "blood" fam that I do not even speak to. I have blood fam that I am bound to with love and so much appreciation. But the friends I have, they more than make up for the ones who I am not bound to. Those relationships go so much deeper than they ever did with certain blood related individuals. 

And those ties...they have saved me. 

I am so grateful. 

Words cannot express what I'm feeling right now. There is a peace inside me where there never was any before.


Be Blessed my friends.

Love & Light,


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