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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Beeg Love


Hello Dahhhhhlings,

I'm so pooped. I didn't go rollerskating today but I am going to go tomorrow for the lessons. Today isn't a bougie day but my list is not long and it does include some relax time. I was up late last night and I am never up late anymore.

I had so much fun. We had the birthday celebration for my bro inlaw and myself out at my sistah's place. Well, it's my bro inlaw's place too. 

That girl can cook, let me tell you. She made this chilli that defies description, that's how good it was. 

And my daughter, she does the best charcuterie, it's fancy, lol.

So we had a game night and my stomach hurts from laughing, we had a LOT of fun. I have a good family.

It's not about the gifts but I got nice gifts. And thoughtful ones. 

Earlier in the day, I met with my friend Jenn for lunch. I have not seen her in forever. I just love her. She's a good person. Back in the day, she had my ass covered and my kids and I will be forever grateful to her. I'm busy building this little "inner circle" of friends up. I get to pick. And hopefully, the people I love and respect so much will pick me.

I am blessed.

I'm booking my trip to Jersey today. I'm going towards the end of February. I can't wait. In addition to seeing everyone, I am going to be meeting a friend of mine that I've never met face to face. He lives in the city my mom lived in for years. We are going to this pizza place that my sister and I have loved since we were teenagers and would visit.


One of the things I'm doing today is planning my week and I'm micromanaging it big time. I need to get back on track with the gym, the meal planning, all of it.

I want to hit the 50lb weight loss milestone before leaving for Jersey! 

So ya see, I got me some goals. 

And once I get back, I'm signing up for knitting classes again. I can't wait.

Lots to look forwards to. We all need that so we when we hit the skids emotionally, as we all do sometimes even if it's just from exhaustion, we can look a bit into the foreseeable future and know that good things are just around the corner. 

Always, always, always have good things planned, even little tiny ones. 

It's good for the soul man.

And so on that note, this grateful girl is going to continue through her day.

Beeg love, mucho love to you all.

Be Blessed.

Love & Light,


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