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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Retail Therapy

Good Morning!

It's a draggy morning. And I feel tired and a bit crabby but I have every intent on getting my list done. 

I met a former coworker for coffee yesterday and we had such a great time talking and getting to know each other.

I wish I could take every new parent and let them know how important it is to do your best to raise children with as little trauma as possible. We both cried. 

It was humbling for me because I wish to have grace from people and she deserves that too. 

So we decided that we'll do this every couple weeks. 

Then I sortof deflated when I got home. I never know why this happens. I took a nice, long nap. 

I felt so crabby, I decided that some retail therapy was in order. I had $148 in points at Ulta plus a giftcard from my sister. I didn't have to drop any of my own money.

It was a gift to be able to do that and I also picked up our ceramic items from last week. 

Suffice to say, when I got home, I felt much better.

Some days you just get through. It wasn't too much to get through, it wasn't a struggle or a bad day, I was just very low energy.

I turned it around when I got back and actually got quite a bit done before picking up my daughter from work.

Today feels better. My roommate gets done with work and it sometimes home by noon, so I'm just going to start cleaning. We'll go from there.

Sorry so boring! Yesterday was boring.

Be Blessed. I wish you a good day.

Love & Light,



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