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Monday, January 29, 2024

Not to Little & Not to Much

Good Evening!

Well, it's 7:33 and I don't usually blog at night but I really am trying to get everything on my list done. I did not go to the rollerskating lesson. The nice thing is that you only pay if you go. I was too tired. I think all my lazy bougieness last week made me tired today when I tried to go full throttle. But I've finished everything else.

Tomorrow I'm meeting a former coworker for coffee and I want a good portion of what I have on my list done before setting out at 8:30. I mean not everything obviously but I have cleaning the bathroom on the list and also washing my sheets. There are fresh ones on the bed but I hate having dirty laundry sitting around. So I'll do sheets and towels tomorrow AM. I am doing two of the work outs on the Planet Fitness app and then I think it's going to be chillier tomorrow so I'll go to the gym and do the treadmill there.

Today was beautiful. It was like early spring. And shut the front door, man, it was sunny out. It got cloudy later in the afternoon and it made me feel sad so I took a nap but I was good, only a 45 minute one. My daughter came in to wake me up, otherwise when the alarm went off, I would've shut that biatch off and gone back to sleep. But yeah, she came in and was chatty so I was able to rouse myself. I got my vaccumming done and my sheets changed. I will be bringing up my laundry after I'm done blogging. Then shower and pay some bills, all of which can be done from the comfort of my bed. Once I get in bed, I ain't getting out.

I have to watch my eating. I get it in my head that I shouldn't eat at all or that I'm eating to much and really, if you knew what I ate today, it was perfect. Not to little and not to much. Let it go, Denise. I am just growing impatient with wanting to hit that 50lb mark but it's gonna be a couple weeks. Patience 

I did also take breaks today to read.

I have to do something about my damn smoking so today I challenged myself not to smoke more than 15 cigs and not to smoke in the car. I have two left to smoke and I did not smoke in said car. 

We'll see where this leads.

Alright well, just wanted to check in. I will be back.

Be Blessed & Sweet Dreams.

Love & Light,


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The Witch Tree

  Hi Everyone, I have wanted to blog, I really have but doing anything, per the norm of late, is like trudging through a mountain of sticky,...