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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What Ev's


Hi Everyone,

Geez, I didn't blog yesterday so I am already falling short. But yesterday got away with me due to my own laziness and seemingly inability to fucking prioritize. 

It's OK though. Today is all the fuck over the place. I passed the background check but I am having lots of issues with the onboarding process. I was supposed to start today. 

But the new offer letter came in and it was dated for Monday. I got links for training but I'm not going to train and not get paid. I want to clean, make a lotion and help my son with something. And i was a dumbshit and had a massive coffee st night so i went to bed at like 1:38AM.


But what-ev's, what's done is done so I need to just make the most of it and go on already. I ended up not doing to much. My big accomplishment was that I took a nap.

So now I'm blogging and I'm just going to keep going til bed time. It was hot out today and it really sucked.

But, that also is what it is. I'm ready for fall though I know not many others are.

This blog is rambling. I'm gonna go and I'll report to you on how things go tomorrow.

Be Blessed all.

Love & Light,


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